

Encounters of a Furry Kind

Encounters of a Furry Kind

You are a dog lover. The type of person that goes crazy when you see a dog approaching.First of all I commend you on your devotion to those four-legged friends. Secondly, I pose a question. How do y

Posted by Gerralynn Cada on Apr 30th 2020

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A Christmas Tail

A Christmas Tail

The phone rings. When I answer, a frantic woman on the other end of the line insists I find a new home for her two dogs. Terriers.“Just come get them, I don’t want to do this anymore,” she exclaims, s

Posted by Geralynn Cada on Apr 30th 2020

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Dog Walking Alternatives

Dog Walking Alternatives

Looking to mix up your daily routine and still keep your pet active? Loving Pets would like to share a few quick alternatives to walking your dog.Just like children, dogs can get bored or routine, and