

How to Prepare for a New Dog in Your Home

How to Prepare for a New Dog in Your Home

Dogs are the most popular pets in the U.S., with homes in 66% of households. Dog ownership positively impacts your physical and mental health — some of the many reasons to adopt a dog and welcome them
The Benefits of Carrots for Dogs

The Benefits of Carrots for Dogs

When you think of dog treats, you likely don't think of vegetables as a tasty treat they'll enjoy. But some, like carrots, offer incredible health benefits, and your pup might love them. Whether you'r
The Benefits of Blueberries for Dogs

The Benefits of Blueberries for Dogs

Humans love blueberries, and so do dogs! A recent study showed wolves feed their puppies blueberries to aid digestion and provide healthy vitamins. These antioxidant-packed blue fruits have tons of nu
The Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Dogs

The Benefits of Sweet Potatoes for Dogs

We all love sweet potatoes. They are a healthy superfood that many add to their meals in place of regular potatoes or to get in a satisfying starch. Many of the benefits we get from this delicious veg
The Benefits of Salmon for Dogs

The Benefits of Salmon for Dogs

As pet lovers, we always look for the most beneficial food and supplements for our furry friends. Knowing what to feed your dog and what not to can be challenging with so much conflicting informati
The Stages of Housebreaking a Puppy

The Stages of Housebreaking a Puppy

Q: I am having problems with my dog and hope you can help. My dog is a one-year-old, male mixed-breed. He has been crate trained since we adopted him at the age of about 7 months. He is usually in
How to Keep Your Pet in Your Yard

How to Keep Your Pet in Your Yard

Q: We rescued a beagle/shepherd mix. She in now 3 yrs old and must be on a lead when out in the yard or she bolts. How do we, if even possible, train her to go out, do her business and come back in or
Teaching Toy Sharing

Teaching Toy Sharing

Q: How can I teach my dog to share? I have another dog and he will fight with her if she is chewing on a toy and he wants it- even if the toy isn’t his. Can you help?A: There are a number of condit
Dog Hates Riding in the Car

Dog Hates Riding in the Car

Q: Our Golden Retriever puppy, Samuel, hates going on car rides. He looks queasy, pants and drools uncontrollably, and often throws up if there are a lot of turns or if the travel is stop and go. Th
Encounters of a Furry Kind

Encounters of a Furry Kind

You are a dog lover. The type of person that goes crazy when you see a dog approaching.First of all I commend you on your devotion to those four-legged friends. Secondly, I pose a question. How do y

Posted by Gerralynn Cada on Apr 30th 2020

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A Christmas Tail

A Christmas Tail

The phone rings. When I answer, a frantic woman on the other end of the line insists I find a new home for her two dogs. Terriers.“Just come get them, I don’t want to do this anymore,” she exclaims, s

Posted by Geralynn Cada on Apr 30th 2020

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Dog Jumping on Grandson

Dog Jumping on Grandson

Q: My five-month old puppy constantly jumps at people. Most of the time, it’s simply annoying. However, she has knocked my three-year old grandson down several times. I am scared she will accidenta
Licking Furniture or Clothing

Licking Furniture or Clothing

Q: I have 2 dogs, a Pomeranian/Shih Tzu Mix and a Long-Haired Chihuahua. We acquired the Chihuahua, Shadow, at 1.5 years of age. I believe he was neglected. We can not seem to housebreak him. He w
Stopping Mouthing & Nipping

Stopping Mouthing & Nipping

Q: How do I break my puppy from gnawing on people?A: Mouthing and nipping are normal puppy behaviors. Whereas, humans typically initiate physical contact with loved ones or friends via their hands,
Teaching Off-Leash Walking

Teaching Off-Leash Walking

Q: How do I train my dog to walk off the leash?A: The key to training your dog to walk well off the leash is to first teach him to walk properly on the leash. A prior Loving Pets Newsletter article
Pet Safety During Christmas

Pet Safety During Christmas

Q: “How do I keep my cat and dog away from my Christmas tree, the dog tries to drink the water and the cat plays with the ornaments, any ideas?”A: The Holiday season can be a fun time for you and your
Excessive Self-Licking or Chewing

Excessive Self-Licking or Chewing

I. IntroductionThere are many potential physiological and psychogenic causes of excessive licking and chewing behavior. When the licking and/or chewing is focused on the elbows or the paws, which is
Dogs Urinating in the House

Dogs Urinating in the House

Q: Help! I have multiple dogs in my household. They are all small, loving dogs (Miniature Pinschers, Chihuahuas, Mixed Breeds). However, they tend to urinate EVERYWHERE! I constantly clean up the so
Rescue Me

Rescue Me

So, you go to the shelter and fall in love with a dog. You choose to rescue it. You gather up all the necessities and take your bundle of joy home. And the next thing you know, you and this dog might
Stopping Aggression Towards Other Dogs

Stopping Aggression Towards Other Dogs

Q: How do I control aggressive behavior towards other dogs? I have three dogs who get along but when my beagle-pit mix gets around another female dog, she is very aggressive. We have tried everything
Dog Walking Alternatives

Dog Walking Alternatives

Looking to mix up your daily routine and still keep your pet active? Loving Pets would like to share a few quick alternatives to walking your dog.Just like children, dogs can get bored or routine, and
Training Tip of the Month

Training Tip of the Month

Whether you have a puppy, kitten or adult pet, it’s never too late to start working with your pet to develop better manners and improve your pet’s behavior. As a partner with exercise and stimulation,